by Richard W. Rahn | Dec 31, 2019
2019 was a very good year, despite a dysfunctional Congress. A few weeks ago, a friend said she had noticed that clothing was getting less and less expensive and, in fact, many items seemed to be getting less expensive. Economists call a general decline in prices,...
by Richard W. Rahn | Dec 24, 2019
How long should House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hold onto the articles of impeachment before sending them to the Senate? People have played games since the beginning of recorded history. Many games involve strategy whereby each team tries to figure out what moves the other...
by Richard W. Rahn | Dec 17, 2019
Are you amazed about what your fellow humans conceive and create when it comes to technology — the iPhone, 5G, the Tesla, rockets that land upright after being fired, artificial hearts, etc., etc.? Are you also amazed by the willful ignorance of history and economics...
by Richard W. Rahn | Dec 10, 2019
There are few things that will have more impact on your economic well-being and liberties than the votes and actions of those who serve in elected office. If collectively the citizens make the wrong decision at the ballot box, it can mean disaster. How many...
by Richard W. Rahn | Dec 3, 2019
Listening to the debates among the Democrats running for president, there is much hand wringing about the alleged increase in income and wealth inequality. But is it true? Back in 2013, French economist Thomas Piketty, by using tax data, wrote a best-selling book...