by Richard W. Rahn | Apr 24, 2012
The United States already has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, but the Obama administration is proposing to make the U.S. even less competitive internationally by reducing the corporate tax deferral on income made abroad. Most countries have a territorial...
by Richard W. Rahn | Apr 17, 2012
Do you think it is more important to have a tax policy that raises the most revenue at the least cost in order to maximize job growth and economic opportunity or to have a tax policy like the Buffett rule, which falsely claims it would make all millionaires pay a...
by Richard W. Rahn | Apr 10, 2012
Americans, now 236 years removed from the Declaration of Independence, have acquiesced to far more tax tyranny – and I do not use that word lightly – than the British tax tyranny that ignited our revolt. Modern-day apologists for the progressive income tax...