by Richard W. Rahn | Nov 27, 2018
Would you prefer to live in a country that has a high degree of individual liberty but is not a democracy, or live in a democracy where individual liberties are curtailed? A major reason for the Brexit move by the U.K. was the feeling among many British that...
by Richard W. Rahn | Nov 20, 2018
Would you vote for a politician who promised to both increase traffic congestion and increase your taxes — and yes, I wrote “increase.” For those of us who live in Northern Virginia that is precisely what happened last week, when our state and local government...
by Richard W. Rahn | Nov 13, 2018
We have many ways to measure how well public officials in all countries are behaving. Each year, various organizations provide country rankings as to how well countries are doing in maintaining economic freedom, restraining corruption, protecting civil liberties,...
by Richard W. Rahn | Nov 6, 2018
The two biggest causes of death in the 20th century were smallpox and democide. As bizarre as it may seem, there are growing numbers of people who are lobbying to bring back policies that caused so much human misery. Smallpox was finally eradicated in 1980, but not...