High Cost of Corruption around the World

POLITICAL SAY GOES TO VERY RICH INDIVIDUALS WHO CAN AFFORD THE ‘ACCESS’ TARIFF Why are some countries rich and others very poor? At the top of this list, put corruption — both policy and personal. The enclosed table contains one of the common measures of...

How to Stop Inflation

STOP ANY NEW DEFICIT SPENDING AND ALLOW INTEREST RATES TO RISE AT MARKET LEVELS Inflation makes you rich — well, not exactly — but it can make you appear rich. As a teenager, did you dream of having a $100,000 car and a million-dollar home? A few more years of the...

Teaching Biden about Energy and Climate Change

THE GERMANS TRIED SOLAR AND WIND ENERGY – AND ARE NOW RAPIDLY BUILDING NEW COAL PLANTS Last week, President Biden attacked the coal industry. He said his administration was going “to be shutting down these plants all across America…” He also said that wind and solar...