by Richard W. Rahn | Mar 30, 2021
Why would an insurance company pay a private meteorological company a fee to provide them with information — about the likelihood of a hurricane landfall and severity and timing in a specific location — when the Weather Bureau provides the information for free? The...
by Richard W. Rahn | Mar 23, 2021
On average, people live longer in richer and freer countries than they do in poor ones. Knowing this, does it make sense to deliberately make a country poorer? How strong should the wing be on a jetliner? The wing needs to be strong enough not to break off given the...
by Richard W. Rahn | Mar 16, 2021
The new Congress seems intent on passing laws that will result in massive civil disobedience. Most people, when confronted with an unjust law or one that infringes on what they view as an essential liberty, will not take to the streets like a violent Black Lives...
by Richard W. Rahn | Mar 9, 2021
The numbers show — feeling that you are less free is not an illusion. Ed Feulner, the long-term and now retired president of The Heritage Foundation, wrote in The Wall Street Journal this past week: “Hong Kong sat atop the Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of...
by Richard W. Rahn | Mar 2, 2021
One needs to be very ignorant of economics or mean-spirited to think it is permissible to tax people on real wealth losses. Yet, tens of millions of Americans are subject to such abuse each year — through the combined cruel taxes of inflation and capital gains....