by Richard W. Rahn | Jan 31, 2022
The environmental lobby acts as if green energy is a free lunch — but now, reality is about to set in. Chinese President Xi Jinping acknowledged last week that China — the world’s largest polluter — is unlikely to meet its environmental targets. The Chinese economy is...
by Richard W. Rahn | Jan 24, 2022
The world is divided into builders and destroyers, liberators and oppressors. The good news is that a destroyer can become a builder, and an oppressor can become a liberator. History is replete with examples. This past week, Boris Johnson, the U.K. prime minister, who...
by Richard W. Rahn | Jan 17, 2022
ONLY MAJORLY REDUCING GOVERNMENT SPENDING AND MONETARY GROWTH CAN HELP This past week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that consumer prices rose by 7% during this past year, the highest in 40 years. The dollar is also falling against other global reserve...
by Richard W. Rahn | Jan 10, 2022
ECONOMICALLY ILLITERATE PRESIDENT LEADS THE WAY How often have you heard someone say, “We are governed by idiots,” or something to that effect? The level of ignorance demonstrated day in and out by our political leaders and those in the media should make all Americans...
by Richard W. Rahn | Jan 3, 2022
THE PRESS HAS BECOME STATE PROPAGANDA INSTEAD OF TRUTH SEEKERS What is the greatest danger in 2022? Global warming? Inflation? The pandemic? A major war? My answer is the tyranny of the thought police — because, without the ability to engage in free thought and...