by Richard W. Rahn | Jul 25, 2017
LAS VEGAS | For the past decade, a strange migration of a couple of thousand people from all over the world to Las Vegas takes place — in the middle of July. They come — at least most — not to gamble and certainly not for the weather where the normal daytime...
by Richard W. Rahn | Jul 18, 2017
Special economic zones (SEZs) with variations known as free ports, free cities, etc have been created in more than 130 countries over the last half century, and to date some 3,000 plus have been formed. Special economic zones typically have no or low tariffs, low tax...
by Richard W. Rahn | Jul 18, 2017
Do you mainly fear government or feel protected by it? The American Founders wrote a Constitution and designed a system of government that sharply limited the powers of the state — because they understood that the greatest danger to the liberty of the people was the...
by Richard W. Rahn | Jul 11, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that 21 million people would be enrolled in the Obamacare insurance exchanges by 2016, back when the bill was voted on in 2010. The actual number turned out to be about 10 million — the projection being off by more than...
by Richard W. Rahn | Jul 4, 2017
Why do so many propose policies that undermine the never-ending quest to create a government that ensures liberty and protects person and property, as envisioned by the American Founders? Is it out of a desire for political power or ignorance of the consequences of...